
A Treatise on Humane Nature

Souls & Sapiens,

      Friends & Fiends,

Our world is changing. Our Universe is getting larger. And Mankind is about to be faced with a choice: Renaissance or War.

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and you, dear Reader, have chosen to be here, at this precise moment, reading these words, because you designed it. You wanted to know the Truth. I know this, because that’s how it works. You are, at long last, waking up, and soon, all of humanity will be forced to open their eyes and reckon with the undeniable truth that we are not Alone. We never were. And what happens next is up to us.

Humanity stands poised to experience an event of mass awakening on a scale hitherto unseen nor felt in the history of our kind, one of which no one will be able to deny the reality.

When that happens, our world will be altered irrevocably, and we will all be faced with a decision: Change our destructive ways, take steps to reverse the damage our race has caused to the ecosystem of our planet, and become part of a stable, peaceful community of cooperative nations – or risk our own annihilation.

The human race balances upon the edge of a knife, one quick slip away from our own downfall. Our planet is dying. Our people are dying. But Humanity can change.

We must change.

With success, the possibilities for our world are endless. With abilities, technology, and understanding beyond imagining, Mankind will enter a new phase in our humanity, the next stage in our evolution – not a race of human beings, but of Humane Beings, venturing out across the stars.

However, with failure comes Judgment, in one form or another. The destruction of our own precious planet is unsustainable. Climate change will soon be irreversible; drought and natural disasters will render less and less of our overpopulated land habitable. And there are those who wish to maintain their hold over our minds, dragging us always toward our baser natures.

We were offered guidance and assistance, but Humans, in our naivete, allowed ourselves to be led into the shadows by those who ruthlessly took our world for their own. And, until we come together as One People, we will continue to suffer in this darkness of their creation.

So, to face this changing world, you’re going to need the answers that have long been kept from you. You’ve come to the right place.

Sotto Voce is an underground network of scholars and academics – a collective of rebels, renegades, and free-thinking heretics compiling Mankind’s collective Book of Knowledge. Here, you will find many long-sought answers to the most elusive questions of the Universe, but before you proceed, let me first pose a thought from one such iconoclast:

“Just how much do you love truth? Do you really love truth, or are you just curious? Do you love it enough to rebuild your understanding to conform to a reality that doesn’t fit your current beliefs and doesn’t feel 120% happy? Do you love truth enough to continue seeking even when it hurts, when it reveals aspects of yourself, or human society, or the universe that are shocking, complex, and disturbing, or humbling, glorious, and amazing – or even, when truth is far beyond the human mind itself? Just how much do we love truth? It’s a good question to ask ourselves.”

-Scott Mandelker, Ph.D.

Truth is a many-faceted thing. Knowledge exists in both objective, scientific facts and subjective, personal experience. But which is more True?

For the ages of man, the worlds of Nature and Spirit have been at odds, a Tug-of-Truth between science and soul, each side dug into their beliefs and unwilling to explore the possibilities of a union.

This is precisely the reason why the long-sought answers of the Universe have eluded Man for so long. It is not one or the other – No one side is right. They are two halves of a whole. The Universe cannot be understood without fusing the physical with the ethereal, the natural with the spiritual, and the mind with the soul.

In our human world, science has established itself as the new world religion, and the unknown and unexplainable are relegated to myth, science fiction, and a broad, esoteric category known to many as the Phenomenon or High Strangeness, a catch-all classification containing everything from legends of Atlantis to ghosts and UFO’s.

Understanding this Great Unknown is similar to being in a small room with many doors. Every doorway, whether it is labeled Science, Spirit, or Sasquatch, leads to a long, dark corridor that stretches out, each in a different direction. Nothing seems connected – until one ventures down every passage. Only then will you find that they all lead to the same place: The Truth, this larger picture, is one giant room, an all-encompassing ring, like the outer rim of a wheel housing the spokes and center hub.

To fully understand the workings of our Universe, we must incorporate our known science, publicly available empirical evidence, and this element of Unknown. Alone, each is a thread separate unto itself. That which is presented here is the weaving together of these seemingly contradictory concepts into rope that will descend into the unexplored darkness. To launch you on your journey, the following subjects will be explored here, in a high-level overview, in seven parts:

Part I: Science of the Natural World

Part II: Science of the Spiritual World
Part III: Unveiling the Cover-up
Part IV: Unveiling the Phenomenon
Part V: Forces of Light
Part VI: Forces of Darkness
Part VII: The Way Forward

Take the Descent, if you dare. For those who choose to proceed, I will bestow upon you a blessing and a curse: You will find answers to all of your questions about the universe, but each answer will beget yet another question. There is always more to know, more to discover. This journey should be attempted only by the eternally curious. And be aware: some doors lead only into darkness.

As you traverse this peculiar path, from the most basic pillars of scientific understanding to the mind-bending depths of the Absolute, know this: Our Vault contains only a fraction of All That Is. Many of the answers are still out there. Let what follows be only the first step on your Poursuite de la Vérité, a framework and foundation upon which to rebuild a new Mankind, and a broad overview of some of the more relevant aspects of the Phenomenon we will soon refer to as our Reality. The following information has been gathered from credible, publicly available sources. The answers have been out there all along. All you had to do was connect the dots.

A word of caution: These ideas are best received if approached with an open mind and honest, authentic curiosity. Monitor how you are reacting, take breaks to process and sit with information, and stop if you are feeling overwhelmed at any time. Enlightenment is a journey, not a sprint.

Finally, remember that it’s okay to change, and it’s okay to grow. You are not chained to the person you were destined to be at your birth.

Keep seeking. Stay curious. Question everything.

Vincit omnia veritas.

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