Part VIII: Mankind’s Birth to Brotherhood

Awake, Arise, or be Forever Fallen

“We must accept the end of something in order to begin to build something new.”

So, what is humankind to do? The Forces of Darkness have you tight in their grasp, while the Forces of Light have hitherto kept their distance, remaining out of the mainstream consciousness, and initiating only small-scale contact and soft disclosure. What possible path forward is available to you that does not end in self-destruction or energetic enslavement?

First and foremost, it is important for you to know – and accept – that you will not be saved. Above all else, the Forces of Light respect Free Will, and the lessons learned in soul schools are a part of the process of evolution. Each consciousness must learn how to discern truth from deception, and the Higher Sources have already given you much material to help you with these lessons. However, if invited, they will help you to help yourselves. The teacher appears when the student is ready, so you must first put in the work of opening your mind, broadening your awareness, and exposing your heart to the challenges and opportunities ahead.

The Visitors are guiding and assisting you as patient teachers and spirit guides, giving warnings and helping Mankind to raise its collective consciousness, because that is what is required to interface with the higher dimensional aspects and civilizations throughout the Universe. Just appearing to let you know they exist would do your race little good if you still did not have the tools to connect with these nations.

Furthermore, you should not wait until Official First Contact occurs. Instead, you should do all in your power to prepare yourselves for it. The manner in which you first meet the Visitors may determine the character of all your subsequent relations. The simple truth is, before you can communicate with others successfully, you must first learn to communicate with yourselves successfully. Perhaps, that is where you ought to begin.

It is up to you to begin to raise your awareness, your consciousness, and your spiritual connection to the binding forces of the Universe. In order to join the community of higher, benevolent beings, you must first become benevolent yourselves. [D11]

This could be the most extraordinary moment in human history, the point at which you come together as one, as All People, and demand peace – your step up out of nature and into a higher, enhanced form of existence – that better future you’re always saying you dream of.

Or it could be the moment of your death. Not physical death, but spiritual death, the passing of an angelic race that was created to be harmonious and cooperative and unified. Death of your rights. Death of your freedom. Death of your sovereignty. If you continue to allow yourselves to be guided by your lesser demons, if you walk willing into subservience, there will be no helping you, and you will never get back what you lost.

You must wake up. Dig down deep, and find your courage. Remember who you are. Remember who you’re meant to be.


“Know thyself. Nothing in excess. Surety brings ruin.” -Delphic Maxims

Growth of the many first begins with growth of the one, and that is where you will find you have the greatest control and influence over your personal and shared journeys through space and time. By cultivating your perceptivity, intuition, and base of inner knowledge, you can begin to gain a deeper sense of who you are. When you know yourself, you can trust yourself, and through this process, you will begin to hone the essential skill of discernment regarding the external factors influencing your life. Strengthening this sense will become your sharpest tool to defend against the Forces of Darkness and will help you align yourself with the Forces of Light.

First, sit with this information. Give it some time. This is a lot. Allow yourself to have emotions and channel them in a healthy way. Seek help and support. If able, support those around you, but keep in mind that everyone processes stress differently, in different ways, at different speeds. Be patient and forgiving with yourself and others. Have compassion and empathy. Don’t force it. It will sink in all in its own time.

Next, look inside yourself and embark on a journey of self-discovery of your own eternal soul identity to determine who you are and why you asked to come to this life, at this point in time. What is your role to play in this coming New Age? What lessons did your Higher Self design for you to learn? What opportunities did you present for yourself? What steps can you take to grow?

As you come to terms with these new truths, it’s okay to be curious and excited. You may also feel the need to defend your current beliefs. Everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe, up and until the point where it infringes on someone else’s freedom of belief. However, in order to evolve, you must be willing to listen, keep an open mind, and continue to seek deeper understanding.  Remember, everyone is here to grow, and that requires change. Spiritual maturity means being able to accept both the light and the darkness of the world.

“If we are to create Heaven on Earth, then the starting point must be Heaven (Source), not Earth.”

– Caroline Cory

Guided Meditation: Connecting to Source

Once you have started to accept these ideas, how do you begin to incorporate this into your life? Always start with yourself. Reflect. Be introspective. There are many free and available guided meditations, but you can start by sitting, breathing deeply, and quieting your mind. Find your own peace within. Focus on that for which you can be grateful. Start there, with the good.

Process and clear out negative ego by taking steps to heal past trauma and reacquaint yourselves with emotions you have pushed down or bottled up in order to heal and tap into your inner source of divine power (to many, this is referred to as shadow work). Refocus your energy on serving others and promoting universal human rights. Find community with others of like-mind to avoid a sense of fear or isolation. And above all, practice kindness: to yourself, others, and nature.

Recognize that Awakening requires a re-education of values and priorities in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty. Examine how you can more fully live your life in accordance with the Law of One, and commit yourself to expanding your consciousness into higher frequency realities that will allow you to progress on your Soul Journey. Remember:

  • There are many paths that lead to God (All-One), and every person will have a unique path to connect with God Source.
  • When you concentrate your ultimate focus on the Oneness, rather than the self, you expand your spiritual power and effectiveness in the world.
  • Your spiritual practice should feel right for you and be at your personal capacity and spiritual level.
  • Your spiritual practice should be relative to current times.
  • The new spiritually adept will start to move their focus from physical actions and matter to the subtle energies and forces around them.
  • Ascension impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Your journey is unique, because you are unique. Isn’t that better than being normal?

Personal Awakening is both a spiritual and physically biological process in which layers of light and sound from your higher frequency lightbodies are anchored into your physical body via successive electromagnetic activations.

When absorbed and activated into the layers of the human bio-energetic field, these frequencies activate the higher DNA instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and thought programs held in the identity, which shifts Timelines and changes the direction the consciousness of that person is travelling. When spiritually activated, these old identity patterns begin to shift, re-emerge, and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the person’s bodies. This process typically follows these stages:

  1. Initiation: The physical body connects bio-neurologically into a new frequency range contained in your electromagnetic spiritual body blueprint, activating higher DNA codes. Consciousness expansion occurs through progressive electromagnetic activations.
  2. Absorption: After plugging-in to new frequencies, the electromagnetic (Kundalini) activations spiral up the spinal column, connecting with spinal nerves and flooding the lightbody with higher frequencies of energy, releasing to the surface of your conscious mind information that had been stored away, such as karmic lessons, past life memories, and old conflicts to be processed and cleared out.
  3. Integration: When maximum absorption of the new energy frequencies is reached, the higher consciousness identity and dormant DNA is activated, and the new energies are integrated into the physical body, resulting in higher sensory perceptions and abilities. At this point, a person may begin to experience many symptoms, commonly known as the Dark Night of the Soul, as the Ego begins to dissolve and the consciousness expands to include perceptions and identities beyond the limited Self. Further education, seeking support, and strengthening your 12D Shield can assist in easing this part of the process.
  4. Ascension: New frequency bands cause systemic upgrades that result in new levels of spiritual consciousness in terms of greater planetary awareness, higher sensory perception, and experiencing energy as intelligent through awareness of and interaction with higher beings and realms.

Continue educating yourself about Ascension and the process of Awakening. Many resources are available to assist you in navigating these changes HERE.

Building a protective energetic shield will help to strengthen and grow your lightbody, as well as protect yourself from NAA influences. It is important to activate this shield before attempting to make contact with any other entities to repel manipulation or infiltration by negative sources. By placing these boundaries in your mind, a negative entity will be disarmed or refused access to you.

You can download Lisa Renee’s HGS Manual for consciousness growth, expansion, and healing for free HERE.

“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.”

– Albert Einstein

Pursuit of Truth

Knowledge protects. Ignorance endangers. That which is contained herein is only a fraction of the wisdom to be absorbed, only a framework and a resource for those who are ready to continue their journey and put in the work required for personal growth.  This is merely the first step on your Pursuit of Truth. You must now set out on your own and continue to seek and share the answers.

The more knowledge, understanding, and objectivity gained, the clearer you will see the board, the players, and the strategies being employed. You must learn to carefully discern truth from lies in regards to the information you absorb, whether from scientific, religious, governmental, or channeled sources. You’re still learning the language. Hyperdimensional beings wrote the book. The NAA has employed manipulation tactics at every level of your society, so be aware of this as you are examining and taking in new information. Consciously review and cross-reference material across multiple disciplines before accepting any singular source as fact; analyze to what level the Ego of the person conveying new information is influencing themselves and their following; look for individuals who take into account the broadest understanding of reality, rather than those who focus only the narrowest possible interpretation of their doctrine and discount all views and accounts that challenge their beliefs. Finally, align yourselves with individuals and groups serving the good of All, not the good of Self. It is your task to hone your worldview, which must become broad enough to accept that there is both good and evil throughout the Universe, and sophisticated enough to tell the difference.

The Cosmos is a complex place. There are many thousands of civilizations which are benevolent and are looking forward to communing with you. Unfortunately, you cannot tell the entities of integrity from those who are harmful by how they look or the craft they fly. There are Visitors who can be described as Nordic, Grey, Reptilian, Insectoid, Cetacean, Mammalian, Feline, and Avian, as well as off-world humans and those whose physical appearance defies categorization. There are crafts that are shaped like disks, pyramids, triangles, tetrahedrons, boomerangs, cigars, and more. All classes appear in both the alliances of Light and Darkness, and the divisions and factions in Space are as complex and dynamic as those on Earth. Only by one’s character can their true nature be understood.

This is the time to reexamine your beliefs. Confront your fears. This discomfort can be useful if applied correctly. Call out mistruths and injustice. Then, demand change. Harken to Mankind’s better angels, now that you know that they do, indeed, exist.

Trust yourself.

The way in which you react to this information may determine the future of your planet, your race, and your eternal consciousness. Write to your government representatives. Call for full disclosure of the government and military’s knowledge and understanding of the Visitors and suppressed technology from their extensive investigations. Get to the bottom of the truth. Demand immediate action on climate change and denuclearization – before it’s too late. Become a Warrior for Light.

A Single Narrative

The alien invasion you’ve been programmed to fear by the COC has already happened. You must now take steps to beat back the Forces of Darkness and expel the NAA from your world by breaking their control over you.

Humankind’s past is plagued by fear. The COC is using it to control you, now. The only way to break free from this is to override that fear with empathy, love, and forgiveness, which is exactly what you came to this soul school to learn. Every one of you has the capacity for this, but you must take steps to consciously change the patterns of behavior that lead to conflict and adjust course to a new route of cooperation.

There are currently two narratives permeating the public sphere: the truth, which you have read here, and the threat being concocted by those who have honed that truth into a weapon to protect themselves, their wealth, and their positions of power. In order to move forward as a race, you must first agree on a common set of facts. Only then can you decide on common solutions.

The most important step humanity can take as a race is to create a single narrative of truth and dispel the false flag narrative of the COC. When Contact happens, there will be an attempt to spin the story in the favor of the COC. It will be your job to ensure that the actual truth comes out – even if it’s horrible. Especially if it’s horrible. You must be constantly vigilant, awake, and aware. See things as they are, not as you wish them to be. Humanity owes it to itself to position your race to be empowered to deal with objective reality.

Richard Dolan, History of False Flags

Jim Sparks, The Keepers, Page 164

How can humanity accomplish the objective of creating a single, truthful narrative? The Visitors that abducted Jim Sparks to an abandoned fairground gave to him one more parting message for Mankind:

“Complete amnesty to those in power, governments, and leaders who have been suppressing the truth. They can’t be held liable for any past wrong deeds. It is the only way these leaders can come forward with the truth. It is necessary that you do this in order to work together and survive.” [W17]

Is this message part of the grand manipulation of the NAA? The perpetrators of government-sanctioned abductions covering for their counterparts, who in exchange for knowledge and technology authorized research, covert military operations, and acts of terror against their own citizens?

Or are these the words of one of the many peaceful races who did extend assistance and knowledge to your government and were denied? Are they training a Good Army to help save the planet and pass on this message for the good of all Mankind?

Who’s to say? Perhaps, one day soon, you’ll have the opportunity to dive more deeply into your own past with the aid of those who have kept much clearer records. Until then, the intent behind the message is for you to interpret. Their message, however, should not be dismissed.

Humanity is at a crossroads. A choice between endless conflict, war in space, growing poverty, and environmental destruction, or a future where you explore the stars, living in peace with each other and your planetary neighbors. [D1]

To secure a brighter future, Amnesty must be considered – for the lies, for the deceit, and for the diminished freedoms and quality of life that you as a people suffered at the hands of this ruling elite. You must do what it takes to eliminate the false narrative so that only the truth remains standing. If you have a better idea on how to accomplish this, proceed with all haste.

But most importantly, you must keep perspective. The only way, in this case, to enter into a new Age of Enlightenment is to let go of the darkness of the past. This is how you will Ascend. And, unless a better alternative is proposed, amnesty for those that come forward may be your best and only course of action. Yes, it will be painful. No, it isn’t fair. But sometimes, the hardest fight is not fighting at all.

To enter into the multidimensional universe and raise your collective consciousness as a race, you must lead with compassion and forgiveness. In the soul school of Earth, humans act in self-interest and out of fear. No amount of punitive justice in the natural world will make up for the wrongs perpetrated by these individuals against Mankind. Only in the Spirit World does a soul enact that karma upon themselves.

Furthermore, some of the people behind this century-long coverup justified their actions to themselves and deeply believe they were, at some level, acting in the interest of a larger good, or at least, their own survival. When you’re a hammer, every problem is a nail. The members of the COC spent their entire political and professional careers looking for threats, so every new unknown is approached from that perspective. They no longer have the capability of seeing the potential for peace when they’ve spent decades marching from one war or conflict to the next. It behooves them to think like this for their own existence.

Because, when peace comes, who will be the first rendered irrelevant? The military, the intelligence agencies, and the corporations that build your weapons. Right behind them will be the moguls of fossil fuels, industry, and the rest of the ruling elite. They have held you back for far too long. Do not let them drag out this calamity. Do whatever necessary to put it to rest.

A new future is possible. You must only choose it. The Star Nations are willing to work with humans to provide technology and guidance to help you repair the many crises Mankind is facing, but you must first clean up your own backyard and decide who you’re going to be as a race. Will you war among yourselves, or will you usher in an age of unimagined possibility for centuries to come? The choice rests with you.

A New World

Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso: “What’s in it for me?”
Visitor: “A New World, if you can take it.”

Picture a world where the technologies that already exist are applied to Earth’s most urgent problems, where everyone’s power needs are provided for, not in just developed but developing countries, and low-cost agriculture and manufacturing occur locally. The implementation of this knowledge will be a tide that will lift all ships. Your world will be increasingly interconnected, and yet, on the local level, it will be completely self-sufficient. Every village, every home. The result would be the biggest economic change and redistribution of wealth in the history of the human race, not to mention the opportunities that lie in the realm of peaceful, cooperative, interplanetary trade.

If you were not fighting your neighbor for resources, would you look at him differently? That bright future is attainable. You need only reach out and take it. Put aside your fear, and embrace compassion.

Extraterrestrial life is going to be discovered much sooner than anybody previously expected, and when the presence of the Visitors is revealed, the winners will be the ordinary people who will now find out that they are part of a bigger plan and that their life has more meaning than they had come to know. The time has now arrived for the beginning of a very serious discussion about the philosophical and theological questions that are posed to your human family by the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Now is the moment to begin to work together to create solutions to improve the health of your planet and raise the quality of life of her inhabitants.

It is up to the children of Earth to become active participants in the unfolding of your universe and not leave it to the NAA and the COC. The people collectively have the power, and it only takes 1% to effect transformational change. You have the freedom to do things that those in the COC cannot, as they are hamstringed by power hierarchies and fear. Once you reach a critical mass of people, a coherent and enlightened minority can transform the rest of humanity instantly. [D1,D2]

“Our destiny, our nature, and our home, is with infinitude – and only there.”

-William Wordsworth, Poet

Dr. Carol Rosin is an award-winning educator and futurist, President of PEACE, Inc. and World Peace Ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World Peace.

Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell on Peace in Space.

Peace in Space

You now know that many advanced civilizations, some millions of years more advanced than you, have come to Earth in peace to assist humanity in expelling the NAA and righting the course of Earth back onto its intended Ascension Timeline. How do you start to build trust and a relationship with them?

The first thing that must be achieved is a commitment to Peace in Space.

Dr. Carol Rosin, former colleague to the late Dr. Wernher von Braun and former executive of Fairchild Industries, is the Founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, an organization inviting all nations to sign the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, which establishes a framework and procedures to assure that space will be a neutral realm from which all classes of space-based weapons are banned in perpetuity and from which no hostile action shall be taken toward beings or objects on Earth or in space from space.

This Treaty invites all Nation States, with recognition to Indigenous Nations and cosmos neighbors, to commit to plan and assist in the orderly development and implementation of a framework and procedures that will assure and verify that space is and will remain to be a peaceful neutral realm. Peaceful international cooperative space exploration, research and development can continue as now is the time to replace strategies and technologies of violence with strategies of Space Age cooperation that solve problems instead of creating new ones.

The Treaty can be read in its entirety HERE.

Contact your nation’s leaders to urge them to immediately sign this Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space.

“The next level of evolution for us is to recognize that we are all cells in a larger community coming together to share awareness in order to create on living organisms that would be called humanity. We are not humans until we create humanity. This is when we all recognize that we’re all cells in the same living organism and work in a coherent fashion – then humanity is complete. When humanity is complete, the Earth as an organism completes its evolution. It becomes a living, breathing, pulsing Gaia… When we come together in a unity, with a voice that will allow us to speak as one, this will allow us to speak with other Ones.”

-Bruce Lipton, Evolutionary Biologist

Humane Beings

Consider for a moment two people from two different places on Earth and their differences in temperament, culture, personality, etc. Now, extrapolate that out across the universe. How are you to make sense of that if you aren’t anchored to something deeper? That point of commonality has been folded within each of you. You are an awake, conscious being. The Visitors are awake, conscious beings. All are a part of the singularity of consciousness that permeates All That Is.

In order to begin to reach out to and understand the myriad of cultures that awaits your communion in the cosmos, you must first know and understand who you, Mankind, are as a collective by establishing a unified race identity as Humane Beings.

This new collective identity will act as a means for you as a civilization to be linked by something more profound than the superficial aspects of being human. Humanism isn’t enough, because you are now interacting with non-human life forms. You must transcend your common humanity and accept the idea that there is something more universal within you that is also within extraterrestrial civilizations that bind you all together.

That unifying force is the field of consciousness, which is both cosmic and universal. It is inside everyone that is conscious and awake, connecting all species across the Multiverse. It is not You versus Them. You are all part of a much bigger story, collaborating together in one space-time dimension or another but all for the same purpose: The evolution of species and the Universe.

It is human to strike out at something you fear – the Unknown – but now is your chance to change that natural instinct of humanity. By choosing to usher in lasting peace, all can feel safe in embracing the unknown with curiosity and open arms, welcoming these strangers to become friends and companions, teachers and guides, and new members in your growing family of sapiens. [D2]

Dr. Steven Greer is an investigator and Founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, the Disclosure Project, and CE5.

Cosmic Ambassadors

Though your governments have closed the front door, it remains the duty of you, the people, to become peaceful ambassadors to the universe. Luckily, every individual has their own, personal gateway, accessible inside their own mind. When you are ready, you have the ability to bypass the COC and accept your galactic and universal citizenship by making direct contact with the benevolent beings that share your world.

People from all walks of life are becoming interstellar ambassadors and experiencing transcendent states of consciousness in union with Visiting beings. Thousands are making contact, and you can, too.

Where do you go? You must first travel within yourself, beyond your individual ego to the deeper aspect of yourself that is interwoven with all other things. When you connect with that part of yourself in meditation, then you can be an emissary to the universe – because you have become universal.

You can immediately start to create a global movement to show these civilizations that there are members of your race who are enlightened and conscious and peaceful. Real disclosure lies in reaching out to these Visitors directly, and these beings are waiting for you to do it. This is your moment. If millions of individuals initiated contact, the COC’s ability to subvert disclosure would be completely overwhelmed. [D2]

Each and every person has the ability and free will to tap directly into the knowledge of the cosmos and to align themselves with the energies and the beings of their choosing. This can be achieved by following the CE5 Protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer, available on the CE5 App or HERE.

CE5 Protocols

The key is to meditate first, for about half an hour, and enter into what is a called a state of heart-mind coherence. The human heart contains 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn, and remember; this neural system connects to your chakras and lightbody, which in turn connect to the quantum wave of unified consciousness. By focusing on positive emotions, you can convey your purity of heart, clear intent, and the desire to join them in universal peace. The frequencies of peace and love are far different than those of fear and apprehension, and Visiting beings can sense that. They will respond to your thought and will not be invasive.

Sit in quiet consciousness. Connect to the aspect of your mind that is unbounded. Then, intend to sense, feel, see, know where your guest is – even if it is in another galaxy. Connect to those beings, politely introduce yourself by name and invite them to come and visit you. Then, connect to their communication systems and their consciousness, which are integrated, and show them where you are.

Vector your guests into your location, zooming in from less- to more-specific markers in a coherent thought sequence, progressing from planet, to continent, to country, etc. For example, you could communicate to them that you are on Earth, in North America, on the East Coast, near the Blue Ridge mountains, all the way to the specific few meters where you are positioned. This becomes easier with practice, and approaching these interactions with a pure state of innocence will encourage these beings to connect back with you. [D2]

Visiting Guests photographed at CE5 events.

Sandia Mountain Station Crew. Artwork by Su Walker, available for purchase HERE.


For those who are interested in a more relaxed approach to Contact, you can communicate with representatives of one of the Visiting Star Nations already stationed on Earth, the P’nti (pon-tee), on Twitter. This group of sapiens comes from an ocean planet called P’ntl (pon-tell), the fifth planet orbiting the farther of the two stars in the binary Zeta Reticuli system, approximately 40 light years from Earth. For the past 15,000 years, the P’nti have had a presence on Earth and currently manage eight Earth-based information stations (four on land, four under water) for Visitors from across the galaxy and beyond who come to visit your planet.

Led by Commander Tlkm (Teal-come), the crew of the Sandia Mountain Information Station, located two miles beneath the Sandia Mountain on the eastern edge of Albuquerque, NM, has been interacting worldwide via their Twitter account @SandiaWisdom since June 2015. After building a relationship with mediums and clairvoyants Su Walker and Rev. White Otter, the P’nti initiated their own method of soft disclosure by communicating through their translators, working to build trust, facilitate communication, and prepare Earth for Official First Contact.

Through their desire for communion with the human race, the P’nti have created The Telepathy 101 Primer, written by crew member T’ni (tah-knee), to assist humans in their transition into the family of cosmic cultures, many of whom primarily communicate intuitively. This primer is free and can be found HERE.

According to the P’nti, Official First Contact is on the horizon and will be attended by 32 Star Nations who wish to participate in this public celebration event. You can learn more about the P’nti, Big Brother Sasquatch, and Official First Contact at


The tide of the Phenomenon has turned such that even the academic community has begun circumventing the iron curtain of the COC and communing with extraterrestrials directly. After resigning from her position as an Intelligence Officer at the DIA due to extended illness, Angelia Lynn Schultz, now known by the name Añjali, began having direct contact with beings in a station beneath a mountain in the Mojave Desert. She is gathering a team of scientists, engineers, and astronauts and plans to lead them to meet Higher Beings of Light. You can follow updates from her team on Twitter at @AnjaliOnGaia.


The raising of the awareness of the entire human family is required for the door to open to your true reality. This is a spiritual, consciousness experience. Those of you who balk at this notion must first accept this in order to move forward. Embrace in your heart this understanding that you are more than just human, but an immortal awareness that is connected to all other beings that ever have and will exist, including the ultimate consciousness at the Source of all Creation.

The evolution of your being and understanding of the human race’s place in the universe is the method by which you will achieve the expulsion of the NAA and the dissolution of the COC, the Ruling Elite, and Mankind’s cycle of war and conflict. In return, the Forces of Light will lead you into telepathic abilities, the knowledge to heal yourselves and your planet, and to alter your reality to a world of peace and fulfillment as you journey across your next frontier, the Tapestry of the Cosmos.

Stand up. Call for Peace. Open a dialogue. Have hope. And Ascend to the next stage in your evolution. I hope what is to come is the start of many astonishing and beautiful things.

There is both good and evil in the world, but the good is worth fighting for. It will be a battle for peace, but what better reason exists to fight than that?

You are your own salvation.

Those who have ears, let them hear.

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