Investigator David Wilcock (The Cosmic Secret, Above Majestic) has researched some of the darkest, shadowiest corners of Truth, covering the global cabal, the resulting cover-up, and the cosmic battle between good and evil.

In this two-hour tour-de-force of Secret Space Program insider information from a 2015 conference, David reviews the cosmic history of our solar system, including original NASA photos of artifacts left behind on our very own moon.

According to David’s sources, the Illuminati believe they are the descendants of a half-million-year-old race of giant “Progenitors” that originally colonized much of our solar system, eventually arriving on earth as 12-14 foot humanoids with elongated skulls. Expeditions launched by the Secret Space Program have allegedly found massive buildouts in asteroids and moons across our solar system that suggest they were built for people many times the average human height, and it’s estimated that the majority of moons and large asteroids in the system house internal facilities for these ancient races, including Enceladus, Miranda, Mimas, Iapetus, and Eros, as well as our own Moon.

Although Wilcock’s sources come primarily from government insiders and Secret Space Program whistleblowers, his history lines up nicely with the same order of events provided by Lisa Renee, whose information was downloaded directly from Guardian sources. After a million years of war across multiple star systems, the Progenitor race inhabited our solar system, eventually arriving on Earth where they settled and started to genetically engineer and live among Earth humans. There’s also a lovely little section on giant skeleton remains found across North America that will be sure to warm your cockles.

Take a look at the evidence and decide for yourself! Watch for free on YouTube HERE.
