Dr. Michael Newton’s work was a great starting place to explore the Spirit World because of his logical, scientific approach to data-gathering and the detail and cohesivity of his body of research. With this underlying framework, truthseekers can now start to build upon their understanding of the spiritual realms by integrating research by other scholars.

If you’re looking to expand your understanding through deep, scientific explorations of the spiritual existence, hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon has been performing hypnosis therapies since the 1960s, pioneering her own technique known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT). Dozens of interviews and discussions have been uploaded to her YouTube channel, (this one paints precisely the same picture as Dr. Newton, and it’s always good to confirm a second source) and she has written over a dozen books sharing her research from past lives and the spirit world, including The Convoluted Universe, Between Death and Life, Conversations with Nostradamus, Jesus and the Essenes, and The Three Waves of Volunteers & the New Earth. Her works can be published through her website.

If you’re looking for budget- and attention-friendly material, try the YouTube channel Spirit Science. They have fun, animated videos on everything from telepathy to astral projection and raising your frequency. We enjoyed The Secret Language of Thoughts, but there are dozens of videos to choose from depending on where your focus is on your journey. Happy digging!
