The Black Knight Satellite (Catalog: STS088-724-66) is a black, 15-ton object orbiting Earth that was first captured on camera by NASA in 1998 during space shuttle mission STS088. What NASA astronauts describe as just another piece of space junk is theorized to be, by some scholars, a 13,000 year old extraterrestrial monitoring satellite, whose identity and origins they claim NASA is covering up.

Nostradamus once claimed “Humanity will discover a machine in space that was sent here by the Watchers.” In 1899, Nikola Tesla discovered non-natural radio signals from space while investigating the wireless distribution of electricity. In May 1954, two newspapers, the St. Louis Dispatch and The SF Examiner, claimed there were two non-natural satellites in orbit, years before Sputnik 1 was launched.

What makes this piece of space junk uncharacteristically unique is its non-natural polar orbit (passes over polar regions and has a plane that contains the polar axis), technology which had not yet been achieved when the North American Defense System picked up its orbit in February 1960.

Furthermore, once discovered, astronomers conducted research on the satellite and observed one of the strangest patterns of appearance and disappearance ever recorded. The satellite would disappear for long periods of time before reappearing again years later. Stanford scientists Ronald Bracewell believed that the satellite was a way for a distant extraterrestrial civilization to communication with earth.

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